Saturday, January 30, 2021

Biden and the Executive Order

 Apparently the democrats have co-opted more words in the English language since the inauguration.  Not content with having hijacked words like “patriot” and “nationalist” and turning them into negatives, they have now changed the definitions of “unity” and “bipartisanship” to better serve up their progressive agenda.  Whereas unity once meant “the state or quality of being one, or united into a whole”, the definition has now morphed into being united and becoming one, but only when you ascribe to the proposals and ideology of the radical democrat party.  Similarly, bipartisanship used to mean “cooperation between competing political parties”.  But no.  That’s so Clinton Administration.  The new scorched-earth definition is when the other side gives up and caves in to the democrat party’s socialist wish list.  Fall in line comrade, or else.  An exaggeration?  Hardly.  Witness the mumbler-in-chief, none other than President Joe Biden, slaving over a stack of executive orders signed with a flourish in his first week in the Oval Office.  Surely he must be getting writer’s cramp.  In an inauguration speech fawned over by the mainstream media with such platitudes as “a balm for a wounded nation”, Mr. Biden used the word “democracy” eleven times, ranking ahead of both Truman and FDR, and used the word “unity” nine times, and even poured a heaping spoonful of God and Bible verse into the mix.  But that’s an awful lot of democracy and unity from a guy who spent his first 10 days in office signing 25 executive orders and directives that were anything but unifying and democratic.   That’s correct: twenty-five executive orders, which is essentially an end-around Congress rather than having to push your agenda through that dysfunctional morass, surpassing Trump (6), Obama (5) and Bush (2) in what simply amounts to ruling by executive fiat.  That’s not the working definition of democracy, Joe. 

To wit: In keeping with his party’s green-deal initiatives, Mr. Biden effectively canceled the Keystone XL pipeline on Day One, handing 11000 workers their pink slips in the midst of a pandemic-induced recession.   Cynical democrats suggested that these workers could merely retool for a job in the renewable energy sector. And for those of you still swooning from Biden’s inaugural address, that pipeline would have carried crude oil from the sands of Alberta, Canada to Nebraska where it would link up with existing oil infrastructure to transport the oil to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico.  This project would not only provide jobs to American refineries, but would benefit the American consumer with low fuel prices while providing, for a change, an oil import source from a non-hostile trading partner.  Opposition to the pipeline has been largely political, the pipeline would course through Native American lands, but it is also largely unfounded.  In contrast to outrageous claims of environmental calamity, know that Canada has ratified their Paris agreement and has significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions associated with tar-sands production by up to 30% according to the National Review.  Further, the Obama administration found in five separate analyses that the pipeline would have “no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions”.  The alternative, shipping tar sand product by rail or tanker would result in a 28% to 42% increase in C02 emissions and more leaks according to the Wall Street Journal.  As with any petroleum extraction process, there has to be some trade-off between environmental impact and the benefit of an inexpensive energy source, particularly when it has profound economic benefits, but remind me of the downside in this case. And to compound the pain inflicted on the energy sector, Biden placed a 60-day freeze on new leases on federal lands and permitting, a pause that the WSJ suggests “may soon become a long-term ban”.  The Journal reports that federal lands account for 22% of oil production, 12% of natural gas, and 40% of coal. Under Obama era restrictions, much of the drilling and exploration shifted to private lands, a fact that he overlooked when he ironically pointed to the increase in shale oil production during his tenure, taking credit for the boom when industry had effectively adapted to his restrictions. But shale fracking, according to the same Journal article, occurs most often on federal lands in western states where new permitting and exploration is required.   Again, quoting the WSJ (Biden’s Fossil Fuel Freeze, January 23-24, 2021): “Federal land accounts for 51.9% of New Mexico’s oil production and 66.8% of it’s natural gas” and nearby Colorado requires federal lands for 41.6% of it’s gas extraction, Utah 63.2% and Wyoming 92.1%. This translates to “18000 jobs in Colorado, 33000 in Wyoming and 62000 in New Mexico according to the American Petroleum Institute”.  Yikes.  Think you’re business is safe because you’re fracking on private land?  Guess again.  Biden has also frozen the ability of officials currently in office to approve “easements, right of ways, environmental reviews, and resource management plans for 60 days” on private land to stall further development until he can install his own political appointees into those positions, radical environmentalists who don’t require Senate confirmation, who will etch these green democrat policies in stone and effectively cripple the industry.  Recall, these western states derive a significant income from oil and gas exploration in the form of royalties and reap the economic benefits of employment.  Oil and gas revenue has been projected to account for 20% of New Mexico’s budget according to the Wall Street Journal with some Internet sources claiming that figure is as high as one-third. Can New Mexico afford to lose a third of its revenue in addition to the loss of 62000 high paying jobs? Our pre-pandemic economy was booming under Trump’s policy of deregulation, unbridling the energy sector, creating energy independence from foreign oil, making the US a net exporter of energy, and keeping Putin in check, preventing Russia from extorting western Europe with control over their natural gas spigot.  Will a return to burdensome regulation and oil dependence allow our economy to emerge from the pandemic-induced recession and make the world a safer place?  With the improvements in oil sand extraction and net zero emissions from pipeline production, can we not balance the economic benefit of oil and gas extraction with the environmental impact? According to the early signs from the Biden Administration, in the interest of unity, bipartisanship and under the new definition, the answer is a resounding no.  Or as the National Review succinctly put it: The Biden Administration is “at war with American energy, which is to say at war with American prosperity.”

Biden also rescinded the Mexico City policy, a Reagan era proclamation that requires foreign groups receiving aid from the US government to agree not to provide or promote abortion services.  This policy has been a yo-yo since introduced by Reagan with successive Democrats canceling the policy, whilst the next Republican administration reinstated it.  So in other words, after having invoked God and reciting biblical passages in his inaugural address, Mr. Biden has signaled he is not merely content with promoting abortions in this country, but he wants to use US taxpayers to support baby-killing in foreign countries as well.  And we are well aware of the left’s parameters for abortion which, based on Virginia’s Governor Northam’s widely accepted beliefs, can be summed up as anytime, anywhere, and sometimes after birth. No compromise there.  And how exactly is this unifying? Perhaps the definition of hypocrisy has changed as well.   

Also on Day One, Biden halted the US withdrawal from the World Health Organization.  His rationale is, apparently recognizing that WHO is at the very least grossly mismanaged although more likely thoroughly corrupt, that it is easier to reform international institutions from within.  Sure it is.  WHO director general Tedros Ghebreyesus has repeatedly praised China’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, calling it “very impressive, and beyond words”.  Beyond words seems to be more accurate, but not in the way Tedros implied.  The Chinese government has punished whistleblowers, destroyed virus samples, spread outrageous conspiracy theories, and impeded WHO investigators.  Research on the origins of Covid-19 cannot be published in China without the approval of the Communist Party according to the WSJ, lending a new meaning to the term “refereed” journal in medical research publications. And how exactly does China wield so much influence over WHO?  Are they paying for it?  Not even close.  The US and China are the top two contributors to the World Health Organization.  But according to a Fox News Report, the US contributes $893 million, over 10 times the $86 million that China contributes.  The payments consist of both a membership assessment as well as “voluntary contributions”. Theoretically the membership assessment is based on a combination of GDP and population.  The US and China have comparable GDP but China has four times the population.  How then are China’s assessments one half that of the United States?  And whilst condemning “growing xenophobia” Biden has issued yet another executive order which effectively directs federal agencies to “ensure” that any “official actions, documents, and statements including those that pertain to the COVID-19 pandemic, do not exhibit or contribute to racism….against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.”  So in other words, stop referring to Covid-19 as the “China Virus”, even though it obviously came from China.  Duh. Expect a wave of protest about the obviously xenophobic terms “Spanish Flu”, “German Measles”, “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome”, and “Rift Valley Fever”, wherever the heck the Rift Valley is.  But wait, the WHO already issued an edict way back in May of 2015 calling on scientists to minimize the “unnecessary negative effects on nations, economies and people” caused by this wanton naming of disease entities.  And we obviously take our marching orders from the WHO, so fall in line, people.  Even “Swine Flu” is mentioned as it presumably is insensitive to…….uh, swine?  And “Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease”, a rare degenerative brain disorder, has been targeted as insensitive although it is named, after and presumably in honor of, the discovering neurologists.  How exactly is that oppressive?  Is anyone heckling their descendants? And I suppose even the beleaguered residents of Cocksackie, NY deserve a break from being associated with the “Cocksackie Virus”, a leading cause of aseptic meningitis, that was first discovered in fecal samples from the small town on the Hudson River.  It’s a fine line between fame and infamy, especially when it’s related to fecal samples.  Based on this low bar for intolerance I would imagine that “Kung Flu” is definitely out of the question.  

To decrease incarceration levels”, he proclaimed, we will be “phasing out the federal government’s reliance on privately operated criminal detention facilities”.  So with another sweeping application of pen to paper, Biden directed the attorney general not to renew contracts with private prisons.  In speaking with David Fathi, the ACLU’s director of he National Prison Project, NPR reported that this would affect 14000 federal inmates, although there are reportedly over 120000 inmates in public federal prisons.  Mr. Fathi claims that this is the first step in curbing an industry that “profits from” and therefore “perpetuates mass incarceration”.  That’s funny; I always thought it was crime that perpetuated mass incarceration. He goes on to suggest that this is a “first step” but laments that it does not apply to immigration detention where he reports that 80% of detainees are kept in privately run facilities.  “Extending this order to ICE (immigrations and customs enforcement) is an obvious next step and an urgent next step that needs to happen”.  Well Biden sure as hell isn’t planning on building any federal facilities, so where exactly are these inmates and illegal aliens going to go?  Back on the streets, most likely, where they will benefit from more warped catch-and-release policies under the guise of immigration reform and even worse, bail reform policies already put in place by idiots like Andy Cuomo.  If, as Mr. Fathi claims, “our criminal justice policy should be driven by what’s best for public safety” then how exactly is releasing criminals and illegal aliens onto our streets going to benefit public safety? I fear this is more racially based policy directed at the discrepancy in minority incarceration despite the fact that data suggests there exists disproportionately more crime in minority communities.  And of course coupled with “Defund the Police” policies, crime will inevitably fill the void as evidenced by New York City’s 97% increase in shootings.  The NYPD blamed the state’s bail reform overhaul on this year’s spike in crime. Recent changes to New York’s bail reform, a wrong-headed piece of legislation intended to reduce pre-trial incarceration, may indicate that both the initial broad definition of “releasable” offenses coupled with removing the power of the court to tailor release to the individual criminal, may have produced disastrous results.  Crimes such as sex trafficking, money laundering in support of terrorism, possession of a weapon on school grounds, vehicular assault and any crime that proves fatal have again been deemed “qualifying offenses” that are ineligible for release.  And how exactly was releasing these miscreants previously back into the world thought to be increasing public safety? Arson, stalking, burglary, racially motivated attacks, robbery and assault without “serious” injury are among a list of offenses that presumably the public is willing to tolerate by releasing the perpetrator back onto the streets, where statistically they are likely to become repeat offenders, sometimes within hours. Judges have also been given discretion to keep “persistent felony offenders” behind bars. Even though hailed by Republicans as significant changes to “botched bail reform adopted by the governor with one-party rule”, democrats such as Assemblywoman Latrice Walker from Brooklyn called the rollbacks “unfair….when we knew in our hearts it was wrong”. How exactly Latrice knew it was wrong when statistics show that 483 people arrested for “non-bail eligible felonies” were rearrested, some more than once, for 846 new crimes is beyond me.  Despite the Supreme Court Decision that pre-trial detention on public safety grounds is constitutionally permissible, New York is unique in that public safety cannot be considered in any aspect of pre-trial release.  Read that again so it sinks in: New York is unique in that public safety cannot be considered in any aspect of pre-trial release.  And that’s where we’re headed folks.  With the democrats behaving like rampaging beasts in Ionesco’s play Rhinoceros, they are running amok over the rights of the law-abiding public, trampling on our safety, our property rights and our constitutional freedoms.  Coincidentally, Ionesco’s play is considered to be an example of the theater of the absurd where the rhinoceros represents fascism and the message was that there is no hope for human beings in a world dominated by beasts.  Theater of the absurd.  That’s about where we are. 

 Lastly, I bring you the Paris Climate Accord.  Day One saw Uncle Joe enthusiastically re-enlist for this devastating, economy-busting nonsense that even fanatical greens called “nothing but words”.  Even USA Today, not habitually critical of leftist policy, called the Accord “poorly negotiated” imposing “unfair and unrealistic targets on the United States for reducing carbon emissions”.  The same article quotes the National Economic Research Associates who concluded “it would cost the American economy $3 trillion and 6.5 million industrial sector jobs by 2040.” Meanwhile, the Accord gives developing countries a free pass to continue polluting for a decade.  That’s right: ten years. Falling into the developing nations category?  You guessed it: China. With low-cost coal reserves, both China and India would have a huge manufacturing advantage over their carbon-hobbled American manufacturing counterparts.  And this is after the United States has led the world in reducing combustion-related carbon emissions since 2005.  A brief analysis of 2018 C02 emissions reveals that China produced 27.8% of C02 emissions worldwide, ranking first, with the second place US producing nearly half at 15.2% of the total.  India, a distant third produced only 7.3% of the world total.  But more telling is the direction in which these trends are headed.  Since the Kyoto protocol in 1998, the US reduced their greenhouse emissions by 12.1%.  In that same time frame, China increased their emissions by 54.6% while India increased their emissions by a whopping 105.8%.  The largest driver in reducing emissions in the US has ironically been the shale gas boom, according to Forbes, whereby cheap natural gas displaced coal consumption.  Under Biden’s assault on the energy sector, what will take the place of shale gas?  Certainly not a return to coal.  

Although the US must take responsibility for historically emitting the most C02 into the atmosphere, given the trends and with no restrictions directed at China, the Chinese will surpass the US as the largest historical emitter of C02 into the atmosphere within that restriction-free decade.  And please note: this will occur, disturbingly, not during a time when the US was virtually the sole large scale emitter, but in an era where India, South Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia are combining to dump additional billions of metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere at double digit rates of increasing percentage.  But it is the US that will bear the burden.  Of course.   It would appear that the Biden Administration, in an effort to appease the far left, Green New Deal wing of the democrat party, is willing to sacrifice our economy, our manufacturing, our jobs and most of all, our standing in the world.  China has made it plain that they intend to usurp the dollar as the global currency standard.  It is only the strength of our economy and the US financial influence that has kept both China and Russia from seeking to pressure the world into accepting alternatives to the dollar. How long will that strength and influence last under the weight of Biden Administration regulation?  Andrew Sheng of the South China Morning Post put it succinctly: “How the US President steers the exorbitant privilege of the US dollar is critical to the long overdue reforms the global financial system needs to stop penalizing the poor and emerging economies”.  So in essence, China, a self-declared emerging nation itself, will be poised to reform the global financial system of privilege in the name of equality. Sounds like a perfect marriage of Biden Administration policy and the goals of our global competitors.  But has the Biden Empire ever sought to further their financial ambitions at the expense of Americans?  To answer that question, you have to ask what’s in it for them, then follow the money. Hardly recipes for unity and bipartisanship.  At least not for America. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Biden's Wealth

 Joe Biden, once the self-proclaimed poorest member of Congress. Middle Class Joe, a 47-year public servant who averaged no more than $100000 a year in his career in politics.  A man whose humble beginnings and hardscrabble life on the mean streets of Scranton, not to mention his face-off with Cornpop, is the stuff of legend.  In 2009, while serving as vice-president, CBS described Biden as “the least wealthy administrative figure” with an estimated net worth of only $27012.  But what attracted Mr. Swift to today’s topic was an article in the Bloomberg Report that praised Mr. Biden for his selection of……wristwatches, particularly the Rolex Datejust he wore at the inauguration.  The article glowingly goes on to state, “Biden has been known for wearing larger-sized steel sports watches.  He’s been seen, most famously, in his blue-dial Omega Seamaster Professional 300m with its distinctive bracelet.  He’s also worn a Seiko 7T32-6M90 Chronograph on the campaign trail as well as a 42mm Omega Speedmaster Professional “Moonwatch”.   Even GQ magazine, perhaps the most liberal leaning waste of trees imaginable, praised Biden as “an adroit watch collector”, praising his choice of the inexpensive Seiko as well as the pricier Omegas and a vintage Vulcain Cricket in his collection.  Yes, the Seiko is indeed inexpensive and despite its high bling quotient it is merely an affordable wristwatch that can be had for just over $100, perhaps purposely used on the campaign trail to further the Middle Class Joe narrative.  But wait a minute.  That Rolex he wore at the inauguration retails for $6300, and the Omega selections check in at $3600 for the Seamaster and $5400 for the Speedy.  Even the Vulcain, a vintage timepiece, costs $2400.  So good old Joe, the man of the people, has a watch collection that prices out in the range of $18000, and those are the timepieces we know of, hardly a collection affordable for the masses he claims to represent.  But let’s be clear, I don’t begrudge Mr. Biden his indulgence in haute horologie.  On the contrary, I praise him for his investment and interest in classic timepieces.  Where I’m going to ding him, however, is the hypocrisy in sporting such indulgence, and being praised for it in the media, when we just spent four years attacking Donald Trump for his wealth and extravagancies, seeking to dissect every component of his empire and attempting to release and scrutinize his tax returns.  Even on their way out the door, the media took a parting shot at Melania Trump for her selection of a pricey designer handbag. 

So in the interest of fairness let’s dive a little deeper into Joe’s empire.  Eric Trump infamously tweeted out “The salary of US Senator is $174000 per year.  This is Joe Biden’s house….seems legit (eye roll emoji).  This was accompanied by a photograph of the 10000 square foot DuPont mansion, an estate purchase by Biden in the mid-1970s supposedly for $185000.  Biden reportedly used the home as a base of operations for his 1988 presidential campaign referring to it as “The Station”.  But the media, particularly USA Today leapt to his defense claiming the home was scheduled for demolition and Biden purchased it and renovated it, and besides, he no longer owns it.  Some defense.  So this was indeed when Biden was still a Senator, scratching out a meager existence on his public servant salary and yet he was able to purchase what appears to be quite the extravagant property for only $185000 and he still had the funds to be able to renovate it.  Uh-huh.  Mr. Biden must be particularly handy.  If that 10000 square foot monstrosity was in such a state that it was scheduled for demolition and sold for a mere $185000, to anyone who has ever engaged in a home improvement project, I ask you how exactly was he able to afford that renovation?  I smell a rat. And as far as the defense that he doesn’t own the property anymore, that is indeed the case.  After living in the home for some 20 years, he sold it for $1.2 Million to none other than John Cochran III, the vice-chairman of MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware.  You know MBNA, the credit card company that retained then 21-year old Hunter Biden as a consultant for an undisclosed sum during the same period of time that Senator Joe Biden supported legislation promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups, according to CBS News. Yeah, that MBNA.  And as reported by BPR Business and Politics, shortly after the home sale MBNA executives “contributed generously to Biden’s campaign in a series of coordinated donations that sidestepped the contribution limits by the company’s PAC.”   MBNA employees “poured more than $200000 into Biden’s senate campaigns over two decades making the credit card company Biden’s largest source of campaign money.”  Further defense by USA Today’s fact checkers went on to declare that the Internet attacks on Mr. Biden, stating that he owns four properties, are not true.  As you may recall, Trump repeated the accusation in the presidential debates.  But, according to USA Today, he only owns two.  And what two properties are those? According to the Daily Times, his primary estate in “pricey Greenville and his 6-bedroom vacation house near Cape Henlopen State Park”.  Well that seems reasonable doesn’t it?  But let’s be more specific.  The four-acre lakefront Greenville property outside of Wilmington, was reportedly purchased in 1996 for an “estimated” $350000.  Biden then built a 6500 square foot residence now estimated to be worth $3 million. Once again, don’t let the media blur the timeline.  Biden purchased this property and built a luxurious residence on it in 1996 when he was still a Senator making $133600 per year.  And the beach house, with “ocean views and multiple outdoor decks, that backs up to Henlopen State Park,” coincidentally land that Joe Biden helped return to federal status, was acquired in 2017 and was purchased for $2.75 million, although USA Today defends the accusations of the pricey land acquisition as now only estimated to be worth $1.9 million. Only. Additionally, Joe also rented a $5 million 12000 square foot home in the upscale neighborhood of McLean, Virginia after his vice-presidency for $20000 per month. Disturbingly, this tony neighborhood is called home by many of our elected officials.  Allow me to digress but how exactly does that work on their $174000 a year salaries?  McLean obviously must have low-income housing. But USA Today and multiple mainstream media outlets go on to rationalize this extravagant lifestyle by stating that Joe no longer earns a Senator’s salary and in fact hasn’t since assuming the office of the Vice-president in 2009 when his salary jumped to $10 million from speaking engagements and book deals, leaving him with a current net worth estimated to be $9 million.  That’s correct.  Joe Biden, who can barely string a sentence together, was reportedly paid $10 million for speaking. 

So aside from the mathematically impaired and those prone to believe the nonsense spewed out by the mainstream media, this all sounds just a tad sketchy.  And what dated house basement was Joe sitting in for his presidential campaign that was repeatedly described by the media as a “modest A-frame? How exactly did Joe Biden purchase and renovate a 10000 square foot mansion in the 1970s on his meager Senator’s salary? And how was he worth an estimated $27012 in 2009 and yet in 1996 he was able to purchase 4 acres of lakefront property and build a residence worth an estimated $3 million? And let’s not forget the swarmy MBNA dealings when Hunter was paid as a consultant while Senator Joe was supporting legislation to prevent consumers from declaring bankruptcy when crippled with credit card debt.  That legislation, with the support of Obama, eventually passed.  According to Politico, in 2006, the day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Investors, Hunter and Joe’s younger brother James, “laid out [their] vision for the fund’s future”: “Don’t worry about investors….we’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden. At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid.  James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account.  We’ve got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company”.  Does any of this pay to play scheme sound at all familiar?  And the timeline seems particularly interesting in that it coincides with Joe Biden’s sudden increase in net worth.  So with all the focus on Trump’s finances and tax returns, it would appear that the hypocritical media needs to take a closer look at the Biden Family empire and their business dealings in both real estate and finance.  Recall the adage: trust a man who made a fortune, then went into politics more than a man who went into politics to make a fortune. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Inauguration No Show

 So where were they?  Where were the hoards of White supremacists, Neo-Nazis and armed militias that were set to storm the capitol and disrupt the inauguration?  And not just the Capitol.  Wasn’t there “credible” Internet chatter that signaled a coordinated attack was to take place not just in Washington, DC, but in state capitals across the country? Where were the Proud Boys, whose messages suggest, according to the Wall Street Journal, that “the far-right group interpreted the President’s words as a call to action”?  So let me get this straight: they interpreted the president’s words? And what words were those?  Mr. Trump tweeted, prior to his January 6 rally: “be there, will be wild”.  And in the first presidential debate, when Trump debated both Mr. Biden and the moderator Chris Wallace, when he was asked repeatedly to denounce White Supremacists, part of his response was to tell the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”  After his speech at the January 6 rally, Mr. Trump said “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore”.  Apparently those were interpreted as “cryptic” calls to action. Interpreted by whom?  Georgia Wells, Rebecca Balhaus and Keach Hagey, three writers for the WSJ, and some disgruntled Parler users posting on breaks from playing Call of Duty on their Playstations?  Seriously? Even the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, was, according to text messages to the Journal, not even present at the rally and “said he ordered his members not to storm the Capitol and would denounce any who did”. Apparently Mr. Tarrio needs to reassess his leadership role in the organization.  And about that organization, again quoting the WSJ article: “estimates from researchers vary…from a few hundred to up to 10000 men.” Uh-huh. So are these members engaging in Internet machismo, or are they assembling regularly to train with weapons and tactics?  I suspect the former.  So essentially we turned Washington DC over to martial law, a Beirut look-alike based on the internet chatter from a bunch of knuckleheads who interpreted “fight like hell”, be there, will be wild” and stand back and stand by” as a call to arms?  How embarrassing.  And all the posturing in the fawning media by our elected officials, feigning bravery in their “41 minutes of Terror”, and convincing a gullible public that our sacred democracy was under attack.  Even going so far as to suggest that our own National Guard, brought in to protect their sorry backsides, had to be vetted due to their predominantly male and Caucasian makeup.  Disgusting.

Yet here we are in the new dawn of the Biden-Harris debacle-to-come, when the only assault that took place yesterday was on the Democrat Party Headquarters in Portland, Oregon by none other than Antifa protesters.  Hilarious. You just can’t make this stuff up. Apparently 150 antifa protesters vandalized the Democrat office before moving on to attack an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement facility (ICE) just hours after Biden was inaugurated.  You just can’t make these people happy. The buildings were vandalized and the “activists” sprayed graffiti on the ICE building. The protesters reportedly marched to the democrat Headquarters chanting “F*** Joe Biden” brandishing “pepper ball guns, shields, rocks, batons, irritant spray, knives, crowbars and Molotov cocktails” according to Newsweek.  Really.  Peaceful protesters, no doubt.  But definitely not seditionists or insurrectionists. I wonder if the FBI will mount an investigation and employ facial recognition and Internet scouring to hunt down these far-left extremists? Sure they will.

But this was a win-win tactic by the Democrats all along.  They got away with painting Republicans with a broad brush, labeling us all as insurrectionists intent on disrupting our democratic process.  They used it to harass Senators Cruz and Hawley and continue relentless attacks on Trump.  All plainly obvious tactics to eliminate opposition to their leftist agenda.  Prevent Trump from ever running for office again and remove the threat of those that would take his place, the up and coming Republican stars. If the predicted attacks had actually occurred, then we would have been branded permanently as domestic terrorists. But the fact that no attacks occurred will be trumpeted as a win for democracy and our preparedness in thwarting the evils of White Supremacy and Racism.  Successful mostly because we already arrested all the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis after the Capitol riot: all eight of them.  It’s all a stretch of course, but so far with the support of the propaganda arm of the democrat party, the mainstream media, they have been able to connect the dots.  So let the fawning resume, as Biden assumes the office of the Presidency and lets loose with a flurry of executive orders to undo the Trump policies that gave us unparalleled economic growth.  Biden’s economy will initially benefit from pent up demand as we emerge from under coronavirus lockdowns, and will benefit from the vaccine as it becomes more widely and effectively distributed.  But soon gone will be energy independence and, as we re-enter the Paris Climate Accord and rejoin the WHO, as we add $1.9 trillion to the $900 billion last month to the $2.9 trillion from the spring to our national debt, as we dole out unemployment benefits that will cause half of unemployed Americans to stay on the sidelines, as we increase the minimum wage, as we “equitably” distribute small business loans based on race, as we open our borders to waves of immigrant caravans, we are destined for economic disaster.  China and Russia are poised to eat our lunch.  We can only hope the Senate has an epiphany and holds the line against what is essentially a massive redistribution of wealth, an abdication of our position as leaders of the free world and an end to America as we know it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Militias and Gun Control

Finally, after seeking to dissolve the NRA for “misappropriation of funds”, NY Attorney General Letitia James has successfully driven the NRA to file for bankruptcy protection.  The gun rights grouporiginally registered in NY, will flee to Texas where they will incorporate and restructure to exit from what it described as “a corrupt political and regulatory environment”.  President-elect Joe Biden has also signaled that he intends to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, that effectively shields gun manufacturers and dealers from being held responsible when their products are misused in a crime, or results in injury, much as any manufacturer of consumer products is protected.  This of course would open the door to frivolous class action lawsuits that will attempt to drive the firearms industry out of business. Simultaneously, and not without coincidence, we are seeing a coordinated attack develop on the Second Amendment where the FBI, having distinguished themselves as partisan manipulators of evidence under James Comey, is seeking to link the Capitol riot to white supremacists and neo-Nazis,who in turn are members of organized militias.  Thus by the transitive property of partisanship: if you were at the protest, then you are an insurrectionist, which makes you a white supremacist, which links you to militias…….who have gunsThat makes you a threat to democracy, which means you have to be disarmed.  Kiss the Second Amendment good-bye.  Game over.  Isn’t this the first step in the tyrannical playbook: Disarm the people?  It was the first thing that both Hitler and Stalin did when they came to power, and look how well it worked for them.  Even Bill Maher, hardly a moderate, warned not to equate 5000 protesters with the 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump.  And in another astonishing example of being mathematically impaired, NPR ran a scathing piece declaring far right extremist groups such as The Three Percenters, The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and the Texas Freedom Force had members in the crowd who were urging protesters to organize and were seen in videos “giving directions by voice” and flashing hand signals associated with white supremacy.  One such organizer was seen “wearing a black short-sleeved t-shirt with yellow, consistent with the Proud Boys logo, the FBI said”.  Better purge your wardrobe of those black and yellow t-shirts.  And the truly frightening fact is the shear number of participants from these highly organized extremist groups: “at least eight”.  That’s right, eight. And this coming after untold hours of detective work, facial recognition scanning and Internet research by our highly trained government employees.   Of course, this nugget comes after the Washington Post declared last week that, after their exhaustive research efforts, they discovered a whole half-dozen white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in the crowd.  That would be six.  I’m not sure whether I should be more embarrassed by the laughable participation of these fearsome white supremacist militias, or the medias apparent ignorance of the significance of single digits.


So absurd as it may be, I get the distinct impression that we are witnessing a coordinated effort, not by these white supremacist organizations spewing vitriol on the internet and posing for selfies in their camouflage coordinates, but by our own government, which is incrementally seeking to gut the Constitution and strip us of our rights.  Chuck Schumer has proposed putting the protesters on the “no fly” list”.  Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, has had his line of pillows and bedding yanked from the shelves of Bed, Bath & BeyondAmazon and Wayfair for expressing support for Trump and questioning the election results.  Senator Hawley had his book deal canceled by Simon & Shusterafter he raised objections to Electoral College Results (something the Democrats have done every time, incidentally).  Tucker Carlson pointed out that Representative Steven Cohen from Tennessee questioned the integrity of the National Guard, tasked with protecting the Capitol, based on their racial makeup being overwhelmingly white and male, making them “more conservative”.  Nancy Pelosi has referred to the rioters as “domestic terrorists” a tag parroted by Joe Biden.  Elizabeth Neumann, a former member of the Department of Homeland Security in an interview with NPR stated: “We have to go after the people doing the incitement….with the same intensity that we did with Al Qaeda”.  The same article goes on to criticize the fact that “the threat of Islamic radicalism commands a far greater share of government resources” with Heidi Beirich of the leftist Southern Policy Law Center calling the disparity “a sign of the great hypocrisy”.  Hypocrisy.  Really.  After months of “peaceful protests” in the name of racial equality, largely ignored by our elected officials and praised by the media, protests that burned and looted our cities, resulted in police officers injured and property destroyed, we are choosing to label this protest an “insurrection” with comparisons in the media ranging from Pearl Harbor to the Holocaust and now Al Qaeda?  This is insanity.  Have we finally reached the tipping point?  With immigrant asylum seekers queued up at our border and more caravans on the way, with DC poised to become a state, with an attack on fossil fuel, amidst a raging pandemic, with Big Tech yielding greater power over public discourse, with our election integrity in disarray, and with 75 million Americans labeled domestic terrorists and under assault by our cancel culture, can we possibly save our Republic from crumbling, or has Obama’s wish finally come true: to fundamentally change America?

Monday, January 18, 2021


 Rule Number 8: “Keep the pressure on.  Never let up”

Rule Number 9:  “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself”

-Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

And the rhetoric keeps ratcheting up.  Where once we had inciting “a riot”, it has morphed into “a siege on the Capitol”, an “insurrection”, and “sedition”.  Democrat leaders of the House issued a statement: “We have grave concerns about ongoing and violent threats to our democracy. It is clear that more must be done to pre-empt, penetrate, and prevent deadly and seditious assaults by domestic violent extremists in the days ahead”.  Wow.  After nine months of riots where our cities were occupied and burned supposedly in the name of racial equality, all we got from them was the ceremonial taking a knee in the Capitol rotunda.  Seriously, if what happened on January 6 was an insurrection, it certainly was the most lame, disorganized, comic book version of one in history.  All Americans should be embarrassed. I saw video of old folks, children, and let’s not forget the idiot with the horned headdress and face paint, all milling about like they were on a museum tour, taking selfies and picking up souvenirs.  Sure, there were some bad actors that looked alarmingly familiar in their appearance and actions (reference Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, and NYC), but they appeared to be in the minority.   In particular it should be noted that I didn’t see anyone brandishing weapons, I saw nothing on fire, no spray painted slogans, nor is it clear if the “pipe bombs” were meant to harm or distract, seeing as they were planted some distance away.  The perpetrator of said explosive devices, incidentally, was found to be a 70-year old Alabama malcontent who was living in his pick-up truck amidst a collection that included 11 Molotov cocktails (translation: 11 beer bottles and some gasoline), a handgun, a rifle, a shotgun, a crossbow and “hundreds of rounds of ammunition”.  Sounds more like the contents of your average redneck coat closet than an arsenal.  Another description from law enforcement found a man to be in possession of a 9mm handgun and 500 rounds of ammunition.  In total, perhaps 5-7 firearms were reportedly recovered, but recall nobody was shot or even threatened with a firearm, at least not by a protester. With all due respect to those of you who are firearms-impaired, if this was indeed an insurrection, this miscellaneous collection of knick-knacks is like bringing a water pistol to a gunfight.  It is remarkable that the left, so inclined to sport uber-trendy Che Guevara T-Shirts, doesn’t know what revolution actually looks like.  This isn’t it. Even NPR opined that we should be aware that “these people have guns” and to take these militias seriously because they are not just playing dress-up.  What militias?   Militias are paramilitary organizations that tend to be…well, er…..organized and military.  Cue the fatigues and the assault weapons.  And now we have our state capitols preparing for an armed march by seditionists on inauguration day.  Really?  Based on the internet spewing of vitriol from some unknown assailant?  And which side of the aisle is this “terrorists de mots” from?  Is he indeed a threat or is he a worse kind of threat, a leftist fanning the flames of Democrat imagination gone wild?  Even the FBI’s Steven D’Antuono, according to the WSJ, in a moment of clarity issued a statement that was remarkably insightful: “We have to separate the aspirational from the intentional and determine which of the individuals saying despicable things on the internet are just practicing keyboard bravado, or if they actually have the intent to do harm”.  Exactly.  Recall the BLM occupations where armed groups extorted local businesses and residents.  Recall the tattooed snowboarder who executed a conservative counter-protester in the street.   When the left points a finger in accusation, they do so with no apparent long-term memory of what preceded this moment or worse, what precipitated it.

So to coin a phrase, it appears that most of this was “peaceful protest” with a small minority of testosterone-fueled miscreants.  Despite a blistering narrative of insurrection by the press, the ongoing persecution of the President, an investigation that has turned up little in the way of an organized siege, this still has all the trappings of a protest gone off the rails, pushed to trespass by a small minority of idiots.  Recall he of the horned headdress:  once anointed by the press as cleverly playing the fool while actually being a QAnon ringleader. We come to find out he has a history of mental illness, has no affiliation with QAnon and is currently on a hunger strike because his jailers won’t provide him with organic meals.  Another rocket scientist. The Washington Post, in promoting their racial agenda, trumpeted that facial recognition technology had identified White Supremacists and neo-Nazis in the crowd.  All “half-dozen” of them.  They may need to be reminded that a half-dozen means six.  

But the Democrats will do what they do best.  They will run with the narrative that this was a threat to our democracy, all instigated by the evil Orange Man in the White House and his army of racist seditionists. That armed militias will again lay siege to our capitol, with the intention of taking members of Congress hostage and “lynching” them.  They will promote a crackdown on free speech, in violation of the First Amendment.  They will then wage war on the protector of the First Amendment by eliminating the Second in the name of keeping guns out of the hands of those imaginary militias that are a threat to America. Keep the pressure on.  Never let up.  Make the threat more terrifying than the thing itself.  Keep repeating your narrative until it is accepted as truth.  Saul Alinsky would be proud.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Second Dose Gamble by the Party of Science

So last weekend Joe Biden, our dementia-addled President-elect and de facto leader of the “party of science”, wants to release all the vaccine stores being held in reserve for the second booster dose for those who already received the first dose, in stark contrast to the Trump administration’s plan.  That way we can “get more shots into American’s arms now” said Biden’s spokesman, relying on the manufacturers to increase production so hopefully the second doses will be available when needed. Of course this is against the recommendations of the FDA and the drug manufacturers whose clinical research has indicated that roughly 28 days after the first dose, the recipient will only have approximately 50% immunity, thus requiring the second dose to reach its full potential of 95% effectiveness.  A delay in receiving the second dose would be detrimental to achieving full immunity potential and goes against the protocols established in the clinical trials. Bloomberg called it a “second dose gamble” and even NPR reported that the “second shot carries many of the logistical challenges as the first one, plus the added challenge of ensuring that the second dose is actually available”.  So under the Biden proposal, potentially more people will be vaccinated but with reduced effectiveness.  Genius.  Perhaps he is being advised on medical policy by Dr. Jill Biden.  
But hold on:  not more than 5 days later, after criticizing the Biden plan, the Trump administration abruptly reversed course and indicated that they will release the additional doses.  Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar now believes that the “manufacturing is predictable enough that we can ensure second doses are available to people from ongoing production”.  Federal officials, according to the WSJ, said “there is enough supply to ensure booster shots will be available and that they won’t extend the current recommended dosing schedules”.  Uh-huh.  So what changed in five days?  Is this a policy change based on science, on manufacturing or on politics? And where did the FDA disappear to in the midst of this debate?  And if there is indeed such a glut of vaccine due to ramped up production, why can’t we set aside the second dose now to ensure that it will be there in 28 days rather than assume the risk?  I don’t know about you, but after enduring the first dose, I want to be damn sure the second one is waiting for me rather than relying on some bureaucrat advising me that manufacturing is “predictable enough”.  Besides, the problem may not actually be in the production, but in the logistics, and those logistics are currently controlled by the government.  Witness New York’s botched roll out with vaccine discarded when no one showed up for their appointment leaving nurses scrambling to find local firefighters and police….. anyone who fit the state’s qualifications to receive the allocation before it expired.  In Florida, seniors lined up for shots until the pharmacies ran out, while some locations were offering it to anyone within earshot.  Doesn’t instill much confidence.  Remember the nine most frightening words in the English language:  “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sad State of Affairs

In light of the recent election results I’ve taken particular heed to some of the Democrats stated  ambitions, those of: Packing the SCOTUS, admitting PR and DC to the union, defunding the police, government control of health care, amnesty to all illegal immigrants, abolish the electoral-college, rescind the Second Amendment, reparation for African Americans, greater regulation of commerce and education, increasing taxes. What’s not to like,  huh?

And, soon there will be no Red States to oppose them, in having been over run by Blue State escapees-,  fleeing lawlessness, high taxes and social depravity-, but bringing their warped sense of a social preferences with them. A socialist curtain is descending upon us America-, one party governance is waiting in the wings! Farewell land of the free, home of the brave-, where once life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness abounded.

Our bloated government is determined to tax us back to our ancestral European socialist beginnings! Have you ever thought to ask yourself, why should we pay for things we don’t want, that the vast majority of us never receive; why should they take our money and property and give it to others to garner their favor, ensuring their position of power; enhance the governments revenue stream and their personal inordinate entitlements! We American’s had a government of the people, by the people and for the people that governed in compliance with our once revered and thought sacrosanct constitution. Today that is not the case! A cabal of bureaucratic anarchist have undermined our representative democracy skewing it toward a socialist inclined oligarchy. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Protest Spin

The Wall Street Journal wasn’t particularly sympathetic to the cause in the wake of the recent D.C demonstrations .  All of a sudden, they had fallen in line with the detractors, adopting the same set of adjectives.  Where we once had “voting irregularities”, and hundreds of affidavits attesting to it, we now have “unproven” allegations, “false” accusations, and the old Trump standby: “lies”.  Instead of showing the public that these claims are being taken seriously, a matter that was addressed when it was Gore doping the accusing, the 80 Million Trump supporters are being told that there’s nothing here people, you lost, go home. After four years of relentless attacks on a duly elected president, our elected officials are telling us to shut up and just accept a loss, something the other side has never actually done. And the piling on continues. Many of you are not a fan of Tucker Carlson, but I think he got it right.  Trump was still full of his swaggering, incendiary bravado, but he certainly didn’t instruct the crowd to breach the Capitol.  Like all marches in DC, he called for the crowd to march to the Capitol to protest at the site where the flawed election was being ratified.  No more.  Did it get out of hand? It sure did. But no more out of hand than the riots in Portland, New York City and Kenosha.  I didn’t see the city burn and businesses looted.  The “people’s house was violated”, they screamed.  Yes it was.  By the people, we the people.  And video shows repeated examples of the Capitol Police opening barricades and stepping aside.  And by barricades, I mean bike racks.  And it’s not your house, Nancy, not the aristocracy’s house, not the house of the elite, despite the exclusive hair salon and private gyms. It belongs to the people that you brushed off and disenfranchised, chose to ignore and belittle. Even Anderson Cooper, an elitist of the Vanderbilt dynasty, mocked the protesters on CNN, suggesting that they will “go back to the Olive Garden and to the Holiday Inn they’re staying at, or the Garden Marriott…..”   The unfortunate aftermath will be more demagoguery, mostly directed at threats to Democrat power such as senators Hawley and Cruz.  It’s going to be an ugly four years, but this style of ugliness has not been brought on by Trump alone, rather by a power hungry Democrat cabal and their complicit media.

Monday, January 11, 2021

I'm Back!

Did you miss me? Well I’m back, and hereafter I’ll tell you why. But know, in the passage of time since my last post, my tolerance to suffer political pundits of any stripe and their antics, has decreased exponentially. As a consequence, you might find my rants more personal and biting then before. If I offend, mea culpa! 

So we begin, my opening 2021 Conservative Slants is a culmination of responses to recent affronts to my sensibilities by CCN, WSJ, PBS, DP and FOX news. A little long winded, but I wanted to set a tone in my return.

I’m Back.  Rejoining the ranks of the “deplorables”, “clinging to our guns and religion”.  We “insurrectionists”, Trump supporters who staged a “coup”, the “mob” that “stormed the Capitol”, mounting a “siege” against the “people’s house”.  How many times will we allow the left to paint us with a broad brush? When did conservatism become the enemy of the people?  How has the conservative label become a negative, whereas liberal and progressive have become something spun into a positive, a brand that has become a shiny commodity, something our youth want to acquire, to proclaim loudly, even violently, that they adhere to a set of values and principles that is antithetical to our Constitution, that will fundamentally change America?  


When exactly did the two parties decide to switch identities anyway?  The Democrats were once the party of the people, representing the blue-collar working class and the poor.  Now they represent Big Tech, the wealthy elite, white, college educated suburbanites and city dwellers, and they lay claim to all the supposedly disenfranchised minority groups that identify by color and sexual orientation.  They firmly believe in big government, cradle-to-grave entitlements, identity politics, and that identity should be a measure of your merit.  Republicans have come to represent the working class and the rural poor, small business and capitalism, America’s heartland where traditional values of family and religion still have value. They believe in a smaller less intrusive government, a strong military, and strong borders, and are guided by the Constitution.  They believe in meritocracy.


But words and symbols have been hijacked by the left and have been reserved as their own exclusive property or, worse yet, morphed into something else.  Identity politics has become the order of the day, where offending one of the protected categories carries with it the scarlet letter, a brand of one of a myriad of “-isms” and “phobes” the left have used effectively at the point of the spear to further isolate and divide.   Sexist, Misogynist, Homophobic, white supremacist, and of course the universally applicable and most damning of all: Racist.  A hangman’s noose and the word “lynching” for example, have been made the exclusive property of the black experience in this country where even a loop of rope hanging in a garage bay turned NASCAR upside down this past year in a wave of identity politics. Gender specific words such as him, her, he, she, mother, father, sister and brother have been recently banished from the floors of Congress in favor of gender-neutral terms such as parent, sibling, and the grammatically preposterous “they”.  Yes, the “party of science” believes, and more importantly wants you to believe, that there are more than two genders, and that those words are insensitive and not “inclusive”.  The Confederate flag, once thought to represent the pride of being from the south, has been branded a symbol of hate, a symbol of our racist past, and it too has been banned from state flags and personal display.  Professional sports team’s names and logos are being dropped for being racially insensitive and demeaning, leading us to impressive, awe-inspiring appelations such as The Washington Football Team. My personal favorite is when the left calls Trump and his followers Nazis, failing to recognize that Nazi is a shortened version of Nationalsozialistische , which translates to national socialist, when they themselves are proponents of a socialist state.  Hilarious. Even the very definition of “Patriot” has been linked with “nationalism” where the most common connotation used to be “devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation-state” but has been cast aside in favor of the more negative definition, “a particular culture or ethnic group deserving of political self-determination”, which has been extrapolated into “white supremacy” and racism, now inexplicably but permanently linked to MAGA and Donald Trump’s presidency.   And let’s not forget the height of word-absurdity when Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), in delivering the opening prayer on the first day of the 117th Congress, a prayer filled with Christian themes and scriptural references, waded into politically correct, all-inclusive territory by closing with “we ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and god known by many faiths. Amen….and AWOMAN.” What an idiot.  Amen is not a gender specific term, rather it is derived from the Latin, meaning “so be it”.  But facts never seem to get in the way of the leftist agenda.  Florida Republican Matt Gaetz sarcastically quipped: Don’t they know that gender isn’t binary? What about the 42 other genders?” Tennessee Rep Tim Burchett remarked, “This is political correctness gone way off the rails.” Now that’s an understatement.


And with the Democrats seizing control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House, expect it to get worse………a lot worse.  Already, in a profound demonstration of how to be a sore winner, Pelosi and Schumer are calling for Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from the Presidency a mere 12 days before Biden’s inauguration.  If not, they intend to proceed with, and are already preparing articles of impeachment. Republican Senators Hawley and Cruz, who challenged the Electoral College certification process on the grounds of claims of voter fraud, are being attacked by their Democrat colleagues, led by the reprehensible Delaware Senator Coons, who is calling for their resignations. It would appear that in the typical “never let a crisis go to waste” tactic first outlined by Obama advisor Rahm Emanuel, and recently repeated while discussing the coronavirus pandemic, the Democrats will be employing a scorched-earth policy of eliminating all potential obstacles to their radical agenda.  Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have all banned Trump indefinitely from their platforms, effectively silencing the President of the United States.  Even the uber-liberal ACLU has taken up the case as a violation of First Amendment rights to free speech.  When exactly did Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, two reprehensible human beings if there ever was one, become the gatekeepers and arbiters of what the President of the United States of America can say?  This should disturb everyone, regardless of what your political affiliation may be.  And as an extension, the relatively new platform Parler, which is a Twitter-like app that has marketed itself as a non-biased, free speech social media platform focused on user’s rights, has been removed from Google’s app store, followed by Apple and Amazon in suspending the app from being active on their servers.  Why?  Because Trump is using it to communicate.  When such a blatant violation of Constitutional rights occurs amidst radical calls from the left to silence Trump supporters, suggestions to prevent Trump supporters from flying or staying in hotels, calls to place restrictions on conservative talk radio, you are witnessing a descent into tyranny.  


Recall Saul Alinsky, the American community activist and political theorist who penned the book: Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer in 1971. He is largely credited with developing strategies for confrontation and community organizing to advance social justice.  Disturbingly, we see Rule #12 being implemented by the left today: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.  Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.  Go after people and not institutions: people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective.  Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works).”  We are seeing this being played out to great effect against Donald Trump and conservatives in real time.  With a complicit media acting as a propaganda branch of the Democrat party, we are under attack, we are being silenced, ridiculed, isolated and in effect, cancelled.  We are indeed under siege, there is indeed an insurrection, and as our forefathers predicted, we are being overwhelmed by mob rule.  Yet is not a mob of conservative sympathizers that is a threat to the Republic.  It is the new Democrat party and their radical leftist, progressive agenda, emboldened by their success in taking back the Congress and the White House under dubious circumstances, emboldened by a complicit media and a compliant public that has swallowed their rhetoric and has forgotten the principles of the Constitution. That is why I’m back.  To shine a light on the hypocrisy that rules the current political landscape. To add my voice to the Patriots who choose to defend the Constitution from tyranny. While we still can.  


Tom Swift