Friday, December 31, 2021


My fervent wish for the New Year: An awakening of our American spirit, patriotism, and moral values. We have fallen into an abyss of confusion and discord perpetrated by dissident internal malcontents bent on strife and insurrection and malicious external forces courting our demise as the preeminent world superpower. We have been and our history has attested to our morality and benevolence but in our complacency in our very morality and benevolence have allowed national and international detractors to question and challenge our once impenitrable resolve. We are at a tipping point a scant wrong decision on our part,  one way or another, has the potential to bring us, as a nation, to our knees, assuring a catastrophic imbalance of national and international control and power of disastrous consequences! Please take heed, Americans.

Friday, December 24, 2021


 We’ve got to snap out of this political death spiral we are in. The Anarchists of their many stripes have us so divided and puzzled as to what is happening and what is not happening that we have lost our perspective as Americans, of our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have to remind ourselves we are a country of the people, not the government! We are wallowing in frustration, chasing our tails in what to do while the collective malcontents rain discord, mistrust, and strife upon us in the most egregious ways. I’ve often thought they have overplayed their hand, they have reached their breaking point, the tide has turned, only to endure yet another round of absurdities-, telling me they are hypersensitive to their vulnerability come the mid-terms, so there is going to be no end to their divide and conquer subversive tactics in the interim, just more piling on! And, it appears we have no alternative other than to gird our lions, or do we?

Monday, December 13, 2021

And Now We Know

To what end, you may have asked yourself when appraising the Democrat Party’s hard swerve to the left in favoring socialism, tolerating lawlessness, instigating division among its citizenry, encouraging illegal immigration, spending us into financial ruin, countering our constitution, alienating our allies, appeasing our detractors and sworn enemies? Well, our former President Obama and now voice and conscious of the Democrat Party succinctly told us. In an economy of words: he said he intended to fundamentally change America as we know it! And to perpetuate that intention, his former Vice President, now President Joe Biden, in a peak of one-upmanship, advised he will be the most progressive president ever! How fundamental and progressive those changes were going to be escaped us. Now too apparent to us, their foreboding: a socialist government, by the government and for the government-, the United Socialist States of America. How do those potatoes sound to you!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Biden Who?

All of the world’s bad actors are seizing the moment: Putin is poised to invade Ukraine, Xi is threatening Taiwan, the Ayatollahs unabated going about enriching uranium. Soon I’m sure Kim Jung Un will resume his saber-rattling, joining his compatriots in adding to the mayhem of the moment. The loss of America's international respect and prestige wrought by this administration has precipitated a change in the international community’s perceived balance of power. This Administration has left no stone unturned to not only threaten our sovereignty as a constitution-driven Republic in mismanagement of domestic affairs but the world‘s order and tranquility in flawed foreign policy and displayed weakness.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Biden Speak

Again we are not to believe what we are seeing but what he is telling us. As his spokesperson, Jen Psaki, reiterated last night. Not misrepresentation, not spin, just flat-out lies. Remember the mantra: the more the democrats squeal and point an accusatory finger at conservatives, the more it is likely that they are guilty of the charge. And the media just nods their heads and parrots it back at us. An administration of mirrors! And in the same vain I did enjoy the self-righteous indignation expressed by Omar when poked by Congresswoman Boebert calling her a member of the “jihad squad.” Hilarious. And outcomes the race card.  Meanwhile, Omar’s anti-American tirades and anti-semitism are ignored by the press. Again we are not to believe what we hear and see with our own eyes and ears but what we are told to hear and see. The Dem’s antics are frightening!