Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hypocrisy Redux

Having just read the Wall Street Journal’s editorial pages, outlining the absurd woke posturing of corporate social warriors Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola in denouncing Georgia for passing legislation to shore up voting regulations, it came as no surprise to hear NPR still clinging to the same progressive vitriol as corporate America 24 hours later.  Claims of a reduction in voting hours, limited access to “drop boxes”, requiring some form of identification, and the patently absurd claim that voters in lines will be denied water as they bake in the hot Georgia sun, are all simply not true. And using the same modus operandi that the NCAA and Amazon employed to extort South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, causing her to backpedal on supporting legislation to protect female athletes from having to compete against trans-females, Major League Baseball piled on by moving the 2021 All-Star game out of Atlanta as punishment for not adhering to the woke narrative. Didn’t we just cover the topic of hypocrisy?  Not to beat a dead horse, especially when climate change regulations may shortly make that one of our most reliable means of transportation, but how can Delta Airlines require identification to board one of its aircraft, but thinks that requiring identification to vote is somehow discriminatory?  And Coca-Cola, who has been aggressively marketing soft drinks laced with up to 8 teaspoons of sugar per 8 ounce serving to minority communities, who disproportionately suffer from diabetes, make similar claims that Georgia voter law adversely affects the Black community? And is MLB just pandering to the left who have long criticized baseball for its low percentage of Black players at 7.8%, despite 27% of players identifying as Hispanic?  What’s with this fascination with quotas anyway? If racial equity is the goal in professional sports, then the NBA better start running advertisements in Wine Spectator and Sailing magazines to recruit some white players to level out the 74.3% of Black players in the league.  At the start of the 2020 season, eight teams didn’t have any white players on their rosters.  Hilarious. But once again, I have to suspect that these woke corporate hypocrites are just intellectually lazy.  Delta CEO Ed Bastian and Coca-Cola CEO James Quincy can’t be idiots.  Or can they?  Perhaps   they are just following the lead of the progressive mob, led by Joe Biden, who called the Georgia legislation “Jim Crow on steroids”.  At least he didn’t drag out the “Jim Eagle” line again. Hopefully that speechwriter has been banished to a position licking stamps.  But did Biden actually read the legislation? If he didn’t, he’s ill informed, but if he did, he’s lying to us. It provides for more hours of operation for polling places than New York, and as noted in the WSJ, provides for “no-excuse” absentee ballots that aren’t even allowed in his home state of Delaware.  And the preposterous claim that voters will be denied access to hydration has been totally contorted by the left and parroted on cue by NPR.  The law will not allow any gifts of food or beverages to be handed out by any partisan group attempting to influence voters.  How would the left react if Trump supporters were handing out water bottles with MAGA labels?  I suspect not so well. And all this fuss about identification.  Why? Well despite the progressive narrative, it is an inconvenient truth that in Georgia, a significant number of voters were from out-of-state, or had moved to another county, and apparently some 10000 of them were actually dead. As in deceased. Oh, that. So exactly who in today’s world can survive without any identification? The law even allows for this miniscule percentage of voters by providing free of charge, state-issued non-driver identification cards and failing that, will allow alternate forms of ID such as social security, utility bills, bank statements, government checks and paycheck stubs.  The suggestion that minority communities cannot manage to produce some form of identification given this wide swath of options, or navigate the process to obtain one is rather demeaning.  Yet the left continues to speak of the black community as if they are somehow dim-witted children that must be protected by the party.  It is the worst form of racism and it is astonishing that the democrats, after decades of this racist drivel, haven’t suffered any form of backlash.

So let’s assume that the corporate CEO’s and Major League Baseball are indeed misinformed, or perhaps frightened by shareholders into following the lead of a biased media and our hyper-partisan elected officials. But NPR, a leftist news outlet that has become a propaganda wing of the democrat party while receiving support in the form of taxpayer dollars?  And President Joe Biden, the great unifier, paying lip service to bipartisanship, pretending to represent all Americans?  They are outright liars.

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