Friday, September 2, 2022

We Are Scorned

This sudden tactic by the Biden Administration to declare “MAGA Republicans” fascists and a threat to democracy are a bit unhinged. Speaking from a podium in front of a starkly red-lit background with flags and Marines at attention, last night’s venue was peculiarly reminiscent of another angry, fascist totalitarian orator in style, tone, and demagoguery. However, it appears from recent democrat election success in New York (of course) and Alaska that those wins were based solely on single-issue campaign strategies, simplifying the abortion issue into an all-or-nothing vote, a trend that is concerning. The democrat party may have finally, with the help of a compliant media and the teachers union, succeeded in a tactic of dumbing down the electorate sufficiently to get them to believe virtually anything.  Such hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness to have declared Trump a serial liar when we now have such blatant fabrications as “semi-fascists,” “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” “transitory inflation,” “inflation reduction act,” “zero inflation,” “Russian collusion,” “Putin’s price hike,” “Russian disinformation,” “peaceful protests,” the “deadly insurrection,” the Secure southern border,” not to mention virtually everything they told us about managing the Covid outbreak. All their talking points are condensed into simplistic bumper sticker-sized sound bites to appeal to a mesmerized TikTok generation. Always be cognizant of the observation that the democrats are experts in the art of projection: what they accuse you of is generally what they themselves are practicing. The end result will be what they have long been preaching, a fundamental transformation of America. We best take notice.

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