Thursday, February 16, 2023

Up, Up And Away

Can you believe this balloon debacle?  Apparently, they now suspect we may have shot down one of our own weather balloons. As Tucker Carlson hilariously opined, General Milley may have finally met an enemy he can defeat:  the National Weather Service. It’s now reached the point that I’m afraid to buy my wife a balloon for her birthday next month, fearing the Air Force, on orders from Dirty Joey, will blast it out of the sky. Or worse yet, repeat the Lake Huron disaster and miss on the first attempt and lob $400,000 worth of ordinance into my living room. One had to marvel at a retired general’s explanation of the miss by pointing out that they don’t routinely practice balloon engagement at Top Gun school. Time to change the curriculum, boys. And rather than send up a 137 million dollar F-22 to intercept, perhaps we should consider dragging a biplane out of mothballs and fight WWI technology with WWI technology. Surely the National Air and Space Museum can fire up a Sopwith Camel if they’re not too busy harassing Christians for wearing pro-life beanies.  And the administration’s excuses rank right up there with “the dog ate my homework.” I almost feel sorry for KJP. Almost. We went from “don’t worry, it happens all the time” to “it happened during the Trump Administration too.” Then came the revelation that “we were actually spying on the balloon” and “we’ve been tracking it since it left China.”Sure you have. The latest Biden proclamation was that it’s  just “not much” of an incursion. Traversing the continent from Alaska to South Carolina, pausing over “sensitive sites,” is not much of a breach. Sheesh. What exactly is the definition of a breach on Biden’s watch? We have also progressed from not shooting them down because it could endanger population centers on the ground to “if it flies, it dies.” And are they targeting the balloon or the contraption hanging underneath? One would suspect that they would attempt to recover as much intact hardware as possible by poking holes in the balloon to bring it back to earth gently, as opposed to picking up debris scattered underwater over a 7-mile path after a sidewinder blew it to bits. Or is it more convenient to obliterate the target rather than expose it for what it is? That way, China can continue claiming it's a weather balloon, and the Biden crime family can continue cashing Chinese checks. And what about the other three balloons downed over Alaska, Canada, and Lake Huron?  Why haven’t we recovered any of those pieces? In summary, I now have significantly less confidence in our military and our surveillance apparatus than I did in those halcyon pre-balloon days. And I have no confidence in the Biden Administration's ability to explain a crisis, much less recognize one.  Or do anything about it. 

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