Wednesday, September 6, 2023

A Cry In The Wind

Admittedly of late, I'm besotted with vast left-wing conspiracy theories. The Democrats continue to bleat the Afghanistan withdrawal as a success, January 6th as an insurrection, Hunter and  Joe Biden as innocents, while our faltering economy, open borders, anarchy, the persecution of Donald Trump, and  China, Iran, and Russia as existential threats to world peace, as Republican aberrations. And, the media in the main, steadfastly either complaint or silent. What's become of us as we quake in the wrath of the amassing malcontents, criminals, and anarchists, seemingly impotent to stand our ground and say enough is enough? Has our once indomitable  spirit been so eroded in socialist indoctrination that we have lost sight of the virtues of our American heritage that allowed us to be all that we can be devoid of government oppression in the countenance of our 

Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We seem to be floundering in indecision, reeling between complacency and frustration, baffled as to what to do or not to do. Yes, I do grow weary of venting my well-worn diatribes, my angst that our country, our society is over. I just can't bring myself to believe it is over and go silently into the night. So, I rant on, even but a small cry in the wind.

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