Wednesday, October 25, 2023


I was listening to NPR again…..I know, it’s self-flagellation…… but this time I was actually looking for entertainment rather than hypertension. The weekend “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” segment hosted by Peter Sagal is a current events trivia game show that is generally amusing in that supercilious, urban, over-educated, trendy, elitist sort of way that progressives tend to project. Sure the show leans liberal…..okay, more like hurls itself to the left, but the panel is generally well-read, quick-witted, and Sagal is more than proficient at snarky commentary, enabling me to overlook their stereotypical liberal superiority complex. Almost. Last weekend’s episode made me cringe. The panel was selected out of the DEI handbook consisting of a liberal college-educated female, a person of color, and a representative of the alphabet soup brigade, you know the one that never fails to remind everyone as to their sexual orientation. Like we care. Wonder how that panel votes. But the barbs directed at the Republicans' inability to select a speaker of the house began early and were repeated often. With a compliant audience that would likely poll farther left than Hillary, the panel wallowed in their accolades, and like good little Pavlovian puppies they directed their lefty snark at the conservatives in Congress. Guffaw and chortle, aren’t we so clever? But wait a minute. The Republicans may be forming their typical circular firing squad, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and generally displaying a lack of unity and infighting for which they are infamous, thus providing comic material for the demagogues on the left, but at the same time members of the “Squad”, particularly Tlaib, Omar, and AOC have taken to the streets to preach their particular brand of anti-semitism and support for Hamas. You know those good-hearted freedom fighters that just murdered some 1300 Israeli citizens, men, women, and children, in a most barbarous fashion. They then mutilated the bodies and even paraded one woman’s half-naked corpse through the streets of Gaza like a trophy where she was spat upon. Nice. Where’s the witty commentary on those current events, panel?  Or do we just chortle over our glass of Pinot when we select only the low-hanging fruit from one side of the aisle to ridicule?  Get your own house in order. Heckle us all you want, lefties, but I’d rather have my side dither over an appropriate selection for the seat third in line for the presidency than listen to another anti-Semitic diatribe from a thoroughly repulsive member of Congress, including one who steadfastly rejects assimilation into our culture and identifies with her middle eastern roots by flying a foreign flag in our halls of congress. The flag representing a people who chose to vote for terrorists to represent them. You saw how that worked out for you heathens. And how about Joe Biden stumbling through his response to the incursion? I support Israeli, or a cease-fire, or maybe we’ll talk when we get the hostages back. What?  And where has Kamala been? Surely she’s good for a few laughs when she responds to a crisis. But no. As the party in power, having aided the terrorists with repeated cash infusions continues to project incompetence as we lurch towards a global conflict, Sagal and company can find no other source of humor than the Republicans. Surely you jest. 

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