Monday, January 18, 2021


 Rule Number 8: “Keep the pressure on.  Never let up”

Rule Number 9:  “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself”

-Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

And the rhetoric keeps ratcheting up.  Where once we had inciting “a riot”, it has morphed into “a siege on the Capitol”, an “insurrection”, and “sedition”.  Democrat leaders of the House issued a statement: “We have grave concerns about ongoing and violent threats to our democracy. It is clear that more must be done to pre-empt, penetrate, and prevent deadly and seditious assaults by domestic violent extremists in the days ahead”.  Wow.  After nine months of riots where our cities were occupied and burned supposedly in the name of racial equality, all we got from them was the ceremonial taking a knee in the Capitol rotunda.  Seriously, if what happened on January 6 was an insurrection, it certainly was the most lame, disorganized, comic book version of one in history.  All Americans should be embarrassed. I saw video of old folks, children, and let’s not forget the idiot with the horned headdress and face paint, all milling about like they were on a museum tour, taking selfies and picking up souvenirs.  Sure, there were some bad actors that looked alarmingly familiar in their appearance and actions (reference Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, and NYC), but they appeared to be in the minority.   In particular it should be noted that I didn’t see anyone brandishing weapons, I saw nothing on fire, no spray painted slogans, nor is it clear if the “pipe bombs” were meant to harm or distract, seeing as they were planted some distance away.  The perpetrator of said explosive devices, incidentally, was found to be a 70-year old Alabama malcontent who was living in his pick-up truck amidst a collection that included 11 Molotov cocktails (translation: 11 beer bottles and some gasoline), a handgun, a rifle, a shotgun, a crossbow and “hundreds of rounds of ammunition”.  Sounds more like the contents of your average redneck coat closet than an arsenal.  Another description from law enforcement found a man to be in possession of a 9mm handgun and 500 rounds of ammunition.  In total, perhaps 5-7 firearms were reportedly recovered, but recall nobody was shot or even threatened with a firearm, at least not by a protester. With all due respect to those of you who are firearms-impaired, if this was indeed an insurrection, this miscellaneous collection of knick-knacks is like bringing a water pistol to a gunfight.  It is remarkable that the left, so inclined to sport uber-trendy Che Guevara T-Shirts, doesn’t know what revolution actually looks like.  This isn’t it. Even NPR opined that we should be aware that “these people have guns” and to take these militias seriously because they are not just playing dress-up.  What militias?   Militias are paramilitary organizations that tend to be…well, er…..organized and military.  Cue the fatigues and the assault weapons.  And now we have our state capitols preparing for an armed march by seditionists on inauguration day.  Really?  Based on the internet spewing of vitriol from some unknown assailant?  And which side of the aisle is this “terrorists de mots” from?  Is he indeed a threat or is he a worse kind of threat, a leftist fanning the flames of Democrat imagination gone wild?  Even the FBI’s Steven D’Antuono, according to the WSJ, in a moment of clarity issued a statement that was remarkably insightful: “We have to separate the aspirational from the intentional and determine which of the individuals saying despicable things on the internet are just practicing keyboard bravado, or if they actually have the intent to do harm”.  Exactly.  Recall the BLM occupations where armed groups extorted local businesses and residents.  Recall the tattooed snowboarder who executed a conservative counter-protester in the street.   When the left points a finger in accusation, they do so with no apparent long-term memory of what preceded this moment or worse, what precipitated it.

So to coin a phrase, it appears that most of this was “peaceful protest” with a small minority of testosterone-fueled miscreants.  Despite a blistering narrative of insurrection by the press, the ongoing persecution of the President, an investigation that has turned up little in the way of an organized siege, this still has all the trappings of a protest gone off the rails, pushed to trespass by a small minority of idiots.  Recall he of the horned headdress:  once anointed by the press as cleverly playing the fool while actually being a QAnon ringleader. We come to find out he has a history of mental illness, has no affiliation with QAnon and is currently on a hunger strike because his jailers won’t provide him with organic meals.  Another rocket scientist. The Washington Post, in promoting their racial agenda, trumpeted that facial recognition technology had identified White Supremacists and neo-Nazis in the crowd.  All “half-dozen” of them.  They may need to be reminded that a half-dozen means six.  

But the Democrats will do what they do best.  They will run with the narrative that this was a threat to our democracy, all instigated by the evil Orange Man in the White House and his army of racist seditionists. That armed militias will again lay siege to our capitol, with the intention of taking members of Congress hostage and “lynching” them.  They will promote a crackdown on free speech, in violation of the First Amendment.  They will then wage war on the protector of the First Amendment by eliminating the Second in the name of keeping guns out of the hands of those imaginary militias that are a threat to America. Keep the pressure on.  Never let up.  Make the threat more terrifying than the thing itself.  Keep repeating your narrative until it is accepted as truth.  Saul Alinsky would be proud.

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