Thursday, January 21, 2021

Inauguration No Show

 So where were they?  Where were the hoards of White supremacists, Neo-Nazis and armed militias that were set to storm the capitol and disrupt the inauguration?  And not just the Capitol.  Wasn’t there “credible” Internet chatter that signaled a coordinated attack was to take place not just in Washington, DC, but in state capitals across the country? Where were the Proud Boys, whose messages suggest, according to the Wall Street Journal, that “the far-right group interpreted the President’s words as a call to action”?  So let me get this straight: they interpreted the president’s words? And what words were those?  Mr. Trump tweeted, prior to his January 6 rally: “be there, will be wild”.  And in the first presidential debate, when Trump debated both Mr. Biden and the moderator Chris Wallace, when he was asked repeatedly to denounce White Supremacists, part of his response was to tell the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”  After his speech at the January 6 rally, Mr. Trump said “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore”.  Apparently those were interpreted as “cryptic” calls to action. Interpreted by whom?  Georgia Wells, Rebecca Balhaus and Keach Hagey, three writers for the WSJ, and some disgruntled Parler users posting on breaks from playing Call of Duty on their Playstations?  Seriously? Even the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, was, according to text messages to the Journal, not even present at the rally and “said he ordered his members not to storm the Capitol and would denounce any who did”. Apparently Mr. Tarrio needs to reassess his leadership role in the organization.  And about that organization, again quoting the WSJ article: “estimates from researchers vary…from a few hundred to up to 10000 men.” Uh-huh. So are these members engaging in Internet machismo, or are they assembling regularly to train with weapons and tactics?  I suspect the former.  So essentially we turned Washington DC over to martial law, a Beirut look-alike based on the internet chatter from a bunch of knuckleheads who interpreted “fight like hell”, be there, will be wild” and stand back and stand by” as a call to arms?  How embarrassing.  And all the posturing in the fawning media by our elected officials, feigning bravery in their “41 minutes of Terror”, and convincing a gullible public that our sacred democracy was under attack.  Even going so far as to suggest that our own National Guard, brought in to protect their sorry backsides, had to be vetted due to their predominantly male and Caucasian makeup.  Disgusting.

Yet here we are in the new dawn of the Biden-Harris debacle-to-come, when the only assault that took place yesterday was on the Democrat Party Headquarters in Portland, Oregon by none other than Antifa protesters.  Hilarious. You just can’t make this stuff up. Apparently 150 antifa protesters vandalized the Democrat office before moving on to attack an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement facility (ICE) just hours after Biden was inaugurated.  You just can’t make these people happy. The buildings were vandalized and the “activists” sprayed graffiti on the ICE building. The protesters reportedly marched to the democrat Headquarters chanting “F*** Joe Biden” brandishing “pepper ball guns, shields, rocks, batons, irritant spray, knives, crowbars and Molotov cocktails” according to Newsweek.  Really.  Peaceful protesters, no doubt.  But definitely not seditionists or insurrectionists. I wonder if the FBI will mount an investigation and employ facial recognition and Internet scouring to hunt down these far-left extremists? Sure they will.

But this was a win-win tactic by the Democrats all along.  They got away with painting Republicans with a broad brush, labeling us all as insurrectionists intent on disrupting our democratic process.  They used it to harass Senators Cruz and Hawley and continue relentless attacks on Trump.  All plainly obvious tactics to eliminate opposition to their leftist agenda.  Prevent Trump from ever running for office again and remove the threat of those that would take his place, the up and coming Republican stars. If the predicted attacks had actually occurred, then we would have been branded permanently as domestic terrorists. But the fact that no attacks occurred will be trumpeted as a win for democracy and our preparedness in thwarting the evils of White Supremacy and Racism.  Successful mostly because we already arrested all the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis after the Capitol riot: all eight of them.  It’s all a stretch of course, but so far with the support of the propaganda arm of the democrat party, the mainstream media, they have been able to connect the dots.  So let the fawning resume, as Biden assumes the office of the Presidency and lets loose with a flurry of executive orders to undo the Trump policies that gave us unparalleled economic growth.  Biden’s economy will initially benefit from pent up demand as we emerge from under coronavirus lockdowns, and will benefit from the vaccine as it becomes more widely and effectively distributed.  But soon gone will be energy independence and, as we re-enter the Paris Climate Accord and rejoin the WHO, as we add $1.9 trillion to the $900 billion last month to the $2.9 trillion from the spring to our national debt, as we dole out unemployment benefits that will cause half of unemployed Americans to stay on the sidelines, as we increase the minimum wage, as we “equitably” distribute small business loans based on race, as we open our borders to waves of immigrant caravans, we are destined for economic disaster.  China and Russia are poised to eat our lunch.  We can only hope the Senate has an epiphany and holds the line against what is essentially a massive redistribution of wealth, an abdication of our position as leaders of the free world and an end to America as we know it.

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