Thursday, June 24, 2021

Kamala Harris and the Border

Nothing screams incompetence like a democrat unable to negotiate an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt.  But our Vice-President and Border Czar, Kamala Harris did just that in her June 8 interview in what should have been friendly territory.  In case you missed it:

LH:  Do you have any plans to visit the border?

KH: At some point (throws up her hands, shakes her head) it, you know I, it…..we are going to the border, we’ve been to the border, so this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border, we’ve been to the border.  We’ve been to the border.

LH: You haven’t been to the border.

KH: And I haven’t been to Europe (starts cackling).  I mean I don’t, I don’t understand the point you’re making.  I’m not discounting the importance of the border. 

LH:  Well, I,  I mention it even because I know Republicans have come at you on this.  But democratic Congressman Cuellar, has a border district, has said to you and the President come, you need to see this.

KH: I care, listen, I care about the border.

Not that the text alone isn’t infuriating, but it’s worth pulling up the video just so you can become incensed over her body language. Condescending arrogance comes to mind as an apt description with a voice inflection and cadence that is all political posturing and zero substance.  This woman is an intellectual lightweight.  We should demand more from our elected officials.  And Lester Holt.  What a partisan shill.  “I mention it because Republicans have come at you on this”. No Lester, you should mention it because she has been appointed by the President to handle the border crisis, yet she still hasn’t been to the border.  And her comment about Europe should have been addressed as well.  Newsflash: We don’t share a border with Europe. A Republican never would have gotten away with this.  Here was his big opportunity to press her, to find out what she really thinks, what she really intends to do rather than placate us with pre-prepared non-descript talking points like “addressing the root cause of migration”, a line she must have repeated ten times in her address in Guatamala.  On ABC’s Good Morning America, she reiterated the nonsense: “I am responsible for and have been taking on the responsibility of dealing with the root causes of migration.  And here’s how I think about it.  Listen, when you look at the Northern Triangle….you have to ask and realize that I think most people don’t want to leave home.”  She continued: it’s usually because of “one or two reasons.  Because they don’t have opportunities there to fulfill their basic needs like feeding their children or keeping a roof over their head, or they’re fleeing some kind of harm.”  Wow, did you come up with that all on your own?  Genius.  Could it also be that the Biden Administration invited them? And apparently the old democrat fallback excuse, “climate change”, is playing a role as well, with “back-to-back hurricanes” and “drought” that has “devastated the economy that is primarily based on agriculture”.  So one of the root causes is climate change?  And you’re going to address it how? Specifics, please. 

Even CNN, in an attempt to defend her abysmal performance on her first trip abroad to Central America, called the foreign venture “rocky”, suggesting that her efforts were “overshadowed by her flippant response” in the Lester Holt interview.  “Her defensive response to a question that was certain to come up on her first foreign trip since taking office is raising fresh questions about her political agility.” Now there’s an understatement. CNN went on to suggest that it is the right that has portrayed her as the “border czar” which is “not the assignment Biden gave her”.  Instead, CNN explains that “Biden tasked her with handling diplomatic efforts to stem migration from the Northern Triangle [comprised of El Salvador, Guatamala and Honduras], not solving the problem at the US-Mexico border.” They attempt to dismiss her responsibility for the border crisis by stating that “many other government agencies are responsible for handling the border”, yet in a phenomenal act of contortionism conclude that “the two issues are inextricably intertwined.” So the fact that migrants from the Northern Triangle are the same people that are illegally crossing our border is actually two parts of the same issue? And exactly how dim-witted do you have to be that you couldn’t connect those dots? Perhaps she should have considered going to the border to ask the migrants about the “root causes”.  Going to Guatamala may have been less productive because most of the migrants had already left.  Duh.  But rather than address the issues, the CNN article devolved into a defense of Harris as being the heir apparent to the Presidency, surmising that it is “clear” that the criticism of Harris by conservative media is because, you guessed it: “she is the first Black female vice-president”.  Sorry, but the only party that appears to be assessing performance based on color is the democrat party.  The criticism of Harris is grounded in ineptitude, juvenile antics, astounding arrogance, and a failure to grasp the issues surrounding migration without resorting to tired old talking points, all the while offering no solutions. Recall her presidential candidacy when she was summarily rejected by her own voters early in the primary race.  Why was that? You know.

In an example of never letting reality intrude on perception, in an opinion piece for CNN, former ambassador to El Salvador Mari Carmen Aponte gushed the following: “Vice President Kamala Harris’ trip to Central America is a change in posture for the United States.  It sends a signal of hope to the region that the US is engaged and willing to do the hard work of solving complex regional problems to achieve long-term stability and prosperity.  To make real change, we must address the root causes of migration in Central America.” Apparently she got the “root cause” memo. She continued: “our diplomacy was focused on crime prevention and economic growth so that Salvadorans can find opportunity at home …..corruption infected and dominated public institutions….socioeconomic conditions that perpetuate poverty….a breakdown in the social contract between government and citizens”  She’s still talking about El Salvador, right?  Sounds more like Chicago, especially considering that the murder rate in Chicago is actually higher than in El Salvador.  Not only that, but how is it our job to clean up Central America’s crime, corruption and poverty when we can’t do an effective job of that right here at home?  You have to be kidding. Homicide in the United States increased by 25% in 2020. El Salvador has actually seen a decrease in crime because when they catch criminals, they put them in jail rather than release them back onto their streets. And when a democrat talks about solving problems, you know what that means: we are going to throw a boatload of money at it. And of course, nothing will happen, especially in corruption ridden Central America where the cash will evaporate.  But the democrats will feel better about themselves having lightened the wallets of the American taxpayer, especially the wealthy ones, to further their agenda and standing on the world stage. 

Rebecca Bill Chavez, a senior advisor in the Obama Administration specializing in the region, also worked in the Harris presidential campaign .  She was equally as effusive talking to Noah Bierman of the LA Times: “The fact that it was the Vice-President’s first trip abroad signaled that the administration is committed to addressing the drivers of migration: pervasive violence, crushing poverty exacerbated by climate change and widespread government corruption. “  Do these government weenies all read from the same script?  Apparently, because she also claimed the migrants “don’t have a choice” stating that a message not to make the journey was unlikely to “impact the decision making of a mother whose children’s lives are threatened by gangs or a father who can’t put food on the table for his family. Such language-especially if it isn’t coupled with a plan for effectively addressing the”, here it comes, “root causes and providing help.  It’s why addressing root causes in a real and robust way is the right way forward”.  Okay, okay already, I get it.  It’s all about the root causes and climate change.  Now move on and tell us exactly how you intend to fix it?  And besides, I thought we no longer were the world’s policeman, meddling in the affairs of other countries? That’s apparently out of fashion as well. When asked how much and how quickly we can expect migration to slow, the answer from Chavez was chilling: “We have to be realistic.  The drivers of migration are deep-seated, and a successful strategy will only be measured in years, perhaps decades-and will transcend administrations.” Decades? With 178600 illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border in April 2021 alone, and over 20000 migrant minors already in custody, extrapolating those numbers over a decade results in nothing short of an invasion that will fundamentally change the demographics of this country.  We won’t save El Salvador, we will be El Salvador. Rick Scott of Florida summed it up succinctly: “Kamala Harris could have walked to the border, walked to the Texas border in the time that she’s been given the responsibility to solve this problem, and (she’s) not done anything.”  Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council remarked, “As someone who knows this situation inside and out, as someone who lives this, my agents and I, we live this day in and day out, as someone who sees this, I can confidently say that President Biden owns this crisis.  It is his fault.” 

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