Saturday, December 10, 2022


I'm so incensed over these Twitter reveals that my emerging holiday spirit has been nipped in the bud. I never was much of a conspiracy theorist, but after this Twitter dump, I may be a believer. Recall the adage that whatever the democrats are currently accusing the Republicans of doing, it is in actuality precisely what they are doing…..and getting away with it. It’s easy when you control the media, and apparently Twitter as well. Undermining democracy, colluding with the Russians and interfering with elections, you know, trivial stuff like that. Let’s control our education system and make this generation of students so stupid and confused that they won’t even know what sex they are. How else do you explain nearly 25% of Gen Z identifying as LGBTQ or non-binary? We will give them cell phones and get them hooked on social media, essentially an algorithm designed to be addictive. We will legalize marijuana which has been shown to alter brain chemistry and increase the incidence of psychosis. How else do you explain marijuana surpassing alcohol as the abuse of choice for our youth? We will then make them so reliant on government handouts and healthcare that they will continue to vote democrat in perpetuity. How else do you explain the fact that 85% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, and that survey incidentally is courtesy of CNN, yet only one incumbent Governor was defeated in the 2022 election?  Complacency? Stupidity? Or perhaps priorities. Perhaps the government check may be more important than the direction the country is taking. Far fetched? I used to think so. 

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