Sunday, April 23, 2023


It is becoming increasingly apparent that the government is censoring what they release to the public, and indeed in most cases, appear to either spin that information or alter it completely. How does that expression go about mushrooms?  Keep them in the dark and feed them…..well, you know what. A glaring example is the failure of the government to release the manifesto of the Nashville transgender shooter. Now they’re telling us that the information is so dangerous to public safety that they are going to release only excerpts. In other words, they are planning to censor the document. What is in there so dangerous for public consumption?  Is it a detailed plan to build and deploy a nuclear weapon?  I doubt it. Or is it more likely something dangerous to their narrative, something like a drug-addled transgender activist who deliberately targeted Christians?  What’s your bet?  We are entering an unusual time in American history where our freedoms and liberty are being eroded from within. The Second Amendment and now the First Amendment is under attack, and government transparency is a thing of the past. Take heed, mushrooms. 

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