Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Tucker Spin

As more news of the Tucker Carlson split with FOX emerges, it is becoming apparent that corporate America has more influence on the inner workings of network news than we suspected. Big sponsorship and advertising dollars apparently hold sway over the network executives, and if their talking heads don’t come to heel and respect the leash, they’re going to be shown the door. And in this, the age of DEI, ironically, if you don’t please your master, you don’t eat. This may have been Carlson’s downfall: he became too popular, too powerful a conservative voice, and said some things unpopular with the left. Things like questioning support for the war in Ukraine, pursuing the Hunter Biden scandal, revealing the Biden family crime empire, scrutinizing the government response to Covid, and attacking big Pharma, to name a few. Tsk, tsk. Thus, one could surmise that if you want the honest truth from your news source, you can’t rely on the big media outlets. This has given rise to independent networks where the news personality actually is the network. For example, Rush Limbaugh and the EIB Network, and Glenn Beck and his Blaze Radio Network, who, as he put it himself, “saw how the growing volume of the establishment’s narrative in the media was suffocating the individual’s voice.” How can we rely on mainstream media for a news source when what we hear may be tainted by corporate sponsorship, which is, in effect, a form of censorship? And unfortunately, this seems to affect conservatives disproportionately. As corporate America succumbs to ESG, DEI, and a host of other alphabet-soup ideologies, only the progressive programming and their liberal hosts will survive scrutiny, leaving conservative voices searching for a platform. Most recently, it has been suggested by our government geniuses that AM radio should be eliminated. You know, the medium where conservative talk radio got its start, where emergency warnings are issued in times of disaster because of its longer range bandwidth. Yup, that kind of radio. And nothing serves notice like taking down the host of the most watched news show on cable. Let that be a lesson to you. At least in Orwell’s 1984 in the Two Minutes Hate, the ruling class made you watch the enemy daily and spew your vitriol. Now they just tell you what to hate and eliminate it. How convenient a manipulation. 

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