Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Abortion: Take Heed GOP

This may come as  news to a majority of conservatives, but listen to me carefully: abortion is a losing issue. Period. Despite the Supreme Court kicking abortion rights back to the states by overturning Roe v Wade, the altar on which the democrat party worships, the electorate continues to skew left on the issue, driven largely by our doggedly dull, one-issue, progressive youth vote. And vehemently so. The recent litmus test vote on a state constitutional amendment to require a 60% threshold to pass legislation was turned into a referendum on women’s rights.  Specifically abortion rights. The democrat’s ginned-up vote by mail apparatus and early voting turned what should have been a sleepy August turnout into a robust referendum that easily surpassed primary election turnout. Repeatedly, polling suggests that America is moderate on the issue and the current average of 22 week abortion limits are favored by a majority of voters, with older voters skewing conservative towards stricter abortion limits whilst younger voters favor more liberal, later term allowances. Regardless of the complete lack of unbiased input from the medical community clearly demonstrating that even 22 week procedures border on barbarism, we are stuck with the fact that the left has effectively marketed the concept that it’s not a baby until birth. As preposterous as that sounds when said out loud, we’re stuck with it. Face it: The democrats are better at getting their message out, aided in large part by a complicit media apparatus and a malleable dim-witted activist youth movement, a product of our failing public school education system. But in order to turn this country around from our inexhaustible quest to become the next Venezuela, the Republicans have to start winning elections with superior candidates, a winning message that appeals to our youth, and a get-out-the-vote campaign to combat early voting, vote by mail and ballot harvesting. And based on the evidence that shows the left is energized by a threat to their anytime-anywhere abortion agenda, we have to decide if we’re willing to die on that hill. On this issue it would be wise for our candidates to move decisively to the center and make abortion a non-issue. Witness the phenomenally impaired Joe Biden, able to skate by his supposedly strict Irish Catholic views on abortion by conveniently compartmentalizing politics and personal beliefs, bowing to the left and supporting radical abortion policies that would make the Pope blanch. So too, Republican candidates should voice their personal opposition, but support the purveying public opinion.  Compromise. Granted the media will still not grant them the pass that the left enjoys, but it’s a start. In modern politics, there is regrettably no room for personal beliefs, especially religious beliefs. Go with the polls on this issue and morph into what is needed to win the election. Don’t be disingenuous, but be smart. Live to fight another day. It took 50 years for the Supreme Court to correctly overturn Roe v Wade. Play the long game. To steer this country back onto a path of prosperity and integrity we must occupy the influential positions to make it happen.  And to do that we have to prioritize the issues that will appeal to the electorate. And the current conservative stance on abortion rights is not one of them. 

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