Saturday, August 12, 2023

Partisan Politics Trumps Corruption

Partisan politics apparently trumps corruption. In talking to staunch leftists they are willing to overlook blatant examples of corruption on their side of the aisle with a shrug, parrying those criticisms with the argument that they’re all corrupt. So what? To them it seems like Hunter Biden’s antics are no worse than Jared Kushner’s business dealings, Chuck Schumer’s partisan rants are in the same league as Mitch McConnell’s diatribes, Ocasio-Cortez’ grandstanding a  mere reflection of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s, Biden’s overseas influence peddling no worse than Trump’s foreign business ventures……and on it goes. Depends on your news source. While Trump is roasted continually in the mainstream media, supplied by a weaponized Biden Department of Justice in a never-ending feast of exaggerated charges, you hear nary a peep about the Biden crime family, a news story that is now a mainstay on conservative radio and FOX. As long as their issues are being addressed, the partisan base is apparently willing to overlook your foibles. And they know it. Simply apply a little spin, a heaping dose of demagoguery, and some outright lying, condense it into a digestible sound bite, and feed it to a gullible, if not self-serving electorate. Who do you believe?  We see video of immigrants streaming over the border and statistics show that millions of undocumented migrants have infiltrated into America’s heartland. Yet we have Majorcas: “The border is closed.” Is it?  Millions of dollars from foreign governments are funneled into shell corporations and distributed to Biden family members for no apparent services rendered. We have photographs of Joe with Hunter’s business associates. Yet we have Biden: “I have never discussed business with my son.” Really? But one issue voters seem oblivious. As long as I get my “fill in the blank”, consider me a supporter. Insert “abortion rights” “EBT card” “SNAP benefits” “paid family leave” “unskilled workforce” “gun control” “climate change initiatives”….whatever. But is it good for the country? Does it benefit the republic?  Will our children inherit a functional government?  I’m going to go partisan on you fur a moment. More than usual. The answer is no. While the Republicans, for the most part, are promoting broad conservative ideals, economic stability, market forces to grow the economy, support business and keep government influence and regulation at bay, their progressive counterparts seem to be focused on the individual, on dividing us into tribes, then bribing those tribes into becoming partisan soldiers with promises of “rights” and special interest perks that benefit only them to the detriment of business and other productive members of society. It’s destructive and only widens the partisan divide. But let’s not beat around the bush with semantics and call it what it is. It’s socialism, it’s Marxism. This evolution into a ‘classless communist society” by the overthrow of capitalism and authoritarian government control over everything is precisely where we’re headed. And who will benefit the most? Why the ruling class of course, free to engage in corrupt accumulation of personal wealth and power by redistributing the wealth of the underclass to achieve equity amongst the serfs. ESG, BLM, DEI….all these acronyms are just vehicles to rebrand socialism to achieve the utopian ideals of equality and inclusion by punishing the productive members of society and pacifying the ever-growing unskilled, uneducated workforce with redistribution schemes. Read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. again. They have commandeered language, they control our healthcare, they control education, their social programs control the flow of income to millions of dependents, and they have divided us and pitted social classes against one another. They have altered voting as we once knew it. The signs are there for all to see. Our national debt is untenable. Our budget is in deficit. Our military is failing to meet recruitment goals, their infrastructure is crumbling. Our banking system is teetering as more banks are downgraded. Our bond rating was also downgraded and we risk losing the dollar as the world reserve currency. Our border is open. Our cities have deteriorated amidst waves of crime and homelessness with liberal policies releasing criminals and the mentally ill back onto the streets where they terrorize the populace, unprotected by defunded and demoralized police.  Commercial real estate is dragging down investors with record low occupancy as a result of government-sanctioned work-from-home policies instituted during the Covid pandemic. We are no longer energy independent with gas prices, diesel fuel and home heating costs skyrocketing. We are again dependent on foreign oil and now,  even dependent on foreign-sourced uranium for nuclear power and Chinese-controlled rare earth minerals for battery production with a virtual moratorium on mining through climate change initiatives and cleverly disguised monument designation of mineral-rich lands in the western desert. It doesn’t bode well for the Republicans.  We are clearly an empire in decline, disturbingly in an increasingly hostile world. But as long as the individual continues to accept gifts from the ruling class, as a no incentive to overlook government corruption, then you vote at your own peril. 

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