Thursday, December 14, 2023

New York Exodus

Did you hear about the workings of the well-oiled Democrat political machine in New York State?  Apparently, in the last election cycle, the Democrats set up a commission to redraw congressional districts. The commission was composed of democrats and republicans in equal numbers. Fair, right? Not quite. Knowing they would never come to a consensus, the state put in place a tie-breaking panel that would have carte blanche to gerrymander the districts as they saw fit. Naturally, the tie-breaking reserve panel was composed of progressive partisans, resulting in districts drawn to overwhelmingly favor the democrats. Not so fast, shouted the Republicans. Off they went to court, where the judge found in favor of the republicans. The democrats appealed and were defeated again. The result was that Republican voices were heard, and New York sent 10 Republican representatives to Washington. But here we are, four years later, and the Democrats found yet another pathway to assure that no Republican ever wins an election in New York again. Ever. They packed the courts with progressive judges. And lo and behold, the original rulings were overturned.  New York is now redrawing congressional districts once again, attempting to send only Democrats to the House of Representatives in the hope of tipping the House back to democrat control. So much for taxation with representation. Let the out-of-state exodus resume.

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