Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Constitution

Let’s keep our eye on the ball, preserving our Constitution, as written by our founders, at all costs!  History has proven beyond any question those founders knew what they were doing in crafting a new concept of governance. Although the United States is a relatively young country, we have the oldest written constitution still in use, and there is a reason for that, because it is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Waxed by statesmen of the times, said to be the American idea, an idea that demanded an organization of a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people; the concept of freedom for all of its people. And, it stands today as the bulwark of our American brand of democracy. To allow it to be flaunted, to misinterpret it, is an affront to our very sovereignty and society. Make no mistake about it, our progressive, socialist detractors of many stripes realize that bulwark has to be breached if they are to succeed in fundamentally changing these United States of America. Don't be distracted by the many cuts inflicted by their identity politics of the day; measure their impact on thwarting our sacrosanct Constitution, for without it intact and practiced, we are weak and vulnerable. Know, our Supreme Court is the branch of government solely assigned by the Constitution as the arbiter to assure all our laws and regulations are consistent with the constitutions edicts. Let’s make sure they discharge their responsibility accordingly!

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