Monday, May 8, 2023


There’s one disturbing pattern that seems to be emerging with every mass shooting incident in this country that should concern us: Lack of information. We hear about the scene, the carnage. We get interviews from the terrified survivors. We hear heart-wrenching stories from the victim's families. But we are getting less and less information about the shooters. On Trey Gowdy’s slot on FOX last night he interviewed an FBI agent, a woman who might as well have had “Democrat” tattooed on her forehead, who offered no information aside from repeating that the Allen, Texas shooter was a “right-wing extremist” multiple times. That seems awfully convenient for this administration’s narrative now doesn’t it? Based on what?  Why would a Right-wing extremist randomly target a shopping mall?  Wouldn’t an abortion clinic, an immigration center, a gay pride event or a Democrat fundraiser be more appropriate to fit the media’s cartoonish whitewashing of conservative ideology? And here we are over a month after the Nashville shooting at the Christian school and we are yet to hear any information from the apparently exhaustive manifesto of the transgender shooter. Why is that? And what about the Las Vegas shooting?  We know nothing about motive, much less how this miscreant smuggled an entire armory into a Vegas hotel yet managed to evade security cameras. You remember that one, where his computer miraculously vanished from what was supposed to be a secure crime scene. And in Cleveland Texas, an illegal immigrant with four deportations was somehow able to acquire an assault-style weapon and managed to retain it even after police were called to his home previously for complaints about him shooting in his yard. And yet the response is “We have to ban guns.” Yeah, that will work seeing as law enforcement and government have so competently enforced the existing gun laws to this point. So we leave everyday Americans to fend for themselves and when they do intervene, as a former Marine did on a New York subway car, suddenly the law is applied to the letter and the Good Samaritan ends up incarcerated. It’s upside down. This country is spiraling out of control and our elected officials appear feckless in their ability to protect us. 

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