Saturday, May 20, 2023

When Will It Stop

Perusing the news, you'd have to conclude only in our brand of democracy could all this strife and chaos come to pass, where deviants, malcontents, anarchist, racists, and their derivatives, protected by our constitution are allowed to act out their agendas. The result when enough of them reach critical mass, our surviving law-abiding citizens, our patriots, will be punished and marginalized. Our detractors are steadily reaching that critical mass and our democracy is wavering on the brink. The great American Experiment is about to be rendered untenable. And we, the people, are the perpetrators through our elected officials; we have defiled our constitution, demeaned our founders, and forsaken our birthright in malice and complacency. And further pushed by a compliant media who should know better. None of these detractors should have been given a public forum, let alone glorified by the mainstream media, and should have acted as a gatekeeper. Instead, it’s all about clickbait, advertising revenue, and pushing an agenda that remains unfathomable. When the republic falls, when the second amendment is abolished, they will then come after the first amendment. Look at Serbia most recently. After experiencing  US-style mass shootings, the populace rolled over and allowed what the nexus is playing as a gun turn-in, but if you read closely it is an outright confiscation. No voluntary turn-in carries the weight of government prosecution. And on the heels of disarmament comes the threat of home invasion without warrant and intrusions into privacy. Never give a government that kind of power. It never ends well. Shame on us!

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